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Sunday, October 7, 2018

14 Surprising Facts About Pure Barley

Sante Pure Barley Facts
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Many of us have come across the word "Barley" but only a few have actually seen the plant. Much fewer are those who are aware of the wide array of surprising facts about it that can benefit many of those who have certain conditions. You'd be amazed. Read about them here.

On Diabetes:

Surprising Fact #1
Pure Barley Grass helps lower blood sugar
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is by far the most prevalent type of diabetes among adults. In a 2010 medical study, supplementing with barley grass powder caused a significant fall in the fasting blood sugar level of the experimental group. The researchers also noted that the risk of coronary heart disease significantly reduced in diabetics who took barley grass supplements.

On Cardiovascular Diseases and High Cholesterol:

Surprising Fact #2
Pure Barley Grass helps lower bad cholesterol levels
Recent data suggest that barley grass has hypocholesteromic properties, acting to improve cardiovascular health by reducing total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDLs or bad cholesterol) in mildly hyperlipidemic patients.
In a clinical study involving men with high LDL and total bad cholesterol levels, taking 15 grams of barley grass extract daily significantly lowered cholesterol levels. In addition, HDL, which is commonly referred to as "happy" or "good" cholesterol, was increased by taking barley grass extract.

Surprising Fact #3
Pure Barley Grass helps improve blood circulation
Moreover, the alkaloid, Hordenine, in barley grass is thought to stimulate blood circulation, and both improved ciculation and lower cholesterol are considered helpful in preventing arteriosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack.

On Cancer and Weak Immune Systems:

Surprising Fact #4
Pure Barley Grass protects against dreaded diseases such as cancer and helps strengthen the immune system
Barley grass is considered a powerful antioxidant and immuno-stimulant. Many of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes present in barley grass act to protect the body from free radical damage amd enhance our immune systems.
Antioxidant enzymes such as Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is reported to be more superior even to Vitamin E. Barley is known as one of the green grasses rich in chlorophyll known to detoxify the body of drugs and carcinogens.

On Gastrointestinal Conditions:

Surprising Fact #5
Pure Barley Grass helps relieve various gastrointestinal conditions
Barley grass acts as a stomachic that tones and strengthens the stomach. This quality assists the digestive tract and helps to relieve indigestion, flatulence, gastritis, dyspepsia (including lacto-dyspepsia in children), duodenal and peptic ulcers, and also improves the appetite. As a demulcent, it is said to sooth intestinal irritation and ease many intestinal problems, including ulcerative colitis.

Surprising Fact #6
Pure Barley Grass aids in digestion
Barley grass is very high in organic sodium which dissolves calcium deposited on the joints and also replenishes organic sodium in the lining of the stomach. This aids digestion by improving the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Surprising Fact #7

Pure Barley Grass improves colon health
Due to its fiber content, barley grass is further thought to increase fecal weight and accelerate gastrointestinal transit, which helps to remove wastes from the body more quickly. These actions help to improve colon health, facilitate daily regularity, and may also be helpful im preventing serious bowel disease.

On Aging:

Surprising Fact #8
Pure Barley Grass delays the aging process
Barley grass has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells against toxic free radicals, thought to be a primary cause of aging. Because barley grass is said to repair and build cells and tissues, it is thought to be good for skin rejuvenation, improved skin, nails, and hair.

On Inflammation:

Surprising Fact #9
Pure Barley Grass reduces inflammation
Barley grass acts as a free radical scavenger that reduces inflammation and pain. Barley grass may possess anti-inflammatory properties due to its inclusion of the substance P4D1. Barley grass is also abundant in mucopolysaccharides (MPs) which are amino-sugars known for strengthening connective tissue, making them more elastic, and resilient, protecting the vascular system.

On Arthritis and Pain:

Surprising Fact #10
Pure Barley Grass helps with arthritis and the pain associated with it
People who tend tp be arthritic do better with barley grass juice because of its high sodium content. Many people using this juice have found relief from pain within a week or two. Young barley grass plays an important part in mediating the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and this can help to minimize certain diseases such as rheumatoid synovitis, arthritis, and gout.

On Toxins:

Surprising Fact #11
Pure Barley Grass removes destructive toxins from the body
"Chlorophyll" is a natural detoxifier that rids the intestines of stored toxins. One reason is that its rich chlorophyll content acts synergistically with other nutrients to remove destructive toxins such as heavy metals and pollutants that we digest everyday and is also thought to counteract the toxic effects of modern western dietary habits. Batley grass is also said to renew tissue, rebuild cells, and reduce cellular damage from x-rays and hepatitis.

Surprising Fact #12
Pure Barley Grass helps minimize body odor
Barley is considered one of the green grasses (reflecting its rich chlorophyll content) that have been shown to counteract bad breath and body odor, stop bacterial growth, and combat yeast fungi.

On Respiratory Conditions:

Surprising Fact #13
Pure Barley Grass helps relieve respiratory conditions
As an expectorant, barley grass is believed to help loosen and expel phlegm and congestion. The herb's alkaloid, Hordenine, is said to be bronchodilator and beneficial in cases of asthma, coughs, and bronchitis.

On Acidity:

Surprising Facts #14
Pure Barley Grass alkalinizes the body
Barley grass is naturally alkaline, and its buffer minerals are said to neutralize excess acidic materials in the body and help maintain a healthy acidity/alkalinity balance.

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